Exotic Pets Small Pets

A Guide For Exotic Pet Care

exotic pet care
Written by Arlene S. Lane

Exotic pets have a league of their own. They are unique by appearance so when someone says they have exotic pets or reptiles then it sounds edgy for a huge number of other pet owners such as dogs and cats. While cats and dogs are the most papular pet animals in the USA, there is an increasing number of exotic pet lovers as well.

However, people just want to be edgy and have no idea about how to take good care of their exotic pets (reptiles, rabbits, snakes, spiders, birds, etc) If your state allows you to own an exotic pet then make sure you know how to take care of them so they can grow better. We are here to provide some handy knowledge through our guide for exotic pet care. Before you go for your first exotic pet or you are thinking about this then read this exotic pet care guide.

The Basics

As mentioned earlier, exotic pets are unique so they have unique requirements from the environment to their diet. The diet of reptiles plays the same role in growth that can be helpful in other kinds of pets. However, you will need to make sure that you are providing them with a good environment that almost mimics their natural inhabitant. Either it is an aquarium or some enclosure for rabbits. Make sure you are doing it right. Understand their dietary requirements and veterinary requirements by establishing a good relationship with the specialist vet to make sure you can take care of your exotic pets.

Veterinary Care In Exotic Pet Care

Vet visits are a compulsory part of pet care but in the case of exotic pet care, it is sensitive. If you check any guide for exotic pet care online, they will recommend this above all. Because it can be a little daunting for you if you didn’t find a vet who specializes in taking care of exotic pets. Because they are “exotic” so finding a vet exclusively for them isnt easy. Make sure you visit the veterinarian regularly when you find one. Stay in touch with them and visit them for the following things:

  • Nail, wing, and beak trimming for the birds
  • Nails and teeth trimming for small rodents such as rabbits 
  • Learn about the diet of reptiles and how to feed them.
  • Talk about their living conditions and if you have provided them with a good environment.
  • General health check for exotic pet reptiles (especially)

Nutrition-Filled Exotic Pets Food

People love to own exotic pets but the problem that most exotic pets suffer the most is malnutrition. It has often been seen among exotics pets from reptiles to birds. People often claim that exotic pets are hard to maintain, or they were feeding them right but in reality, they were not. If you don’t know about the reptiles’ diet or exotic pet’s diet in general then consult your vet first and talk about this.

People often feed them a good diet but with no idea about the proportions and amount they should be providing and it ends up with an exotic pet with sickness. This is common among rabbits, ferrets, iguanas, and every exotic pet bird. It won’t be wrong to say that they are what they eat. And this also determines how long your exotic pets’ reptiles will live.

Propper Diet For Reptiles

If you own an exotic pet such as reptiles like iguanas then keep in mind that they are herbivores so feeding them insects would be a bad idea. Propper feeding that suits their nature and lifestyle matters a lot in this regard. exotic pet reptiles have very specific nutrition and dietary requirements.

Some reptiles can be herbivores who eat plants only, but some can be carnivores that will eat animals and insects only, omnivores will eat both plant and animal matter, or insectivores that just eat insects. You will need to take care of the exotic pet reptiles’ diet. Feeding herbivores the insects may result in damaging their kidneys and this can be a life-threatening problem.

Small Rodent Diet

Timothy hay is an important part of the guinea pigs and rabbits. They need a constant supply of this. They require high fiber in their diet. This will help their gastrointestinal function work fine. They also require fresh fruits and veggies. But only in small amounts and mostly as treats. You can overfeed them with them and this can cause some serious digestive issues in them. Ferrets, on the other hand, have a unique diet that includes small rodents and mammals.

Exotic Pet Birds Diet

When it comes to exotic pet food then birds are one of the picky exotic pets. They are hard to feed pets. It is nearly impossible to create a diet that mimics their natural diet. You can find different formulated diets for pet birds that are available on the market. These days, thanks to advancements in avian nutrition fields there has been exceptional work done to create revolutionary and nutrition-rich formulas available for exotic pet birds.

But this doenst mean that you should ignore organic fruits and vegetables. They require them in moderation. You will often find suggestions for seed-based food for birds but they are the least nutritionally balanced. Seeds don’t possess any nutrient value which means they lack several crucial vitamins and minerals to keep your birds healthy. Also, they are fattening diets for birds which can cause digestion problems among exotic pet birds. Ask your vet about a specific diet for your pet bird.

Stimulating Lifestyle For Exotic Pets

While searching for a guide for exotic pet care, you will notice how people complain about the laziness of exotic pets. They complain that they have low-energy animals who will spend most of their time in cages or tanks. The thing is this could be a sign of their depression and stress because of their living situation.

When you will provide them with proper stimulation and a living space that suits their requirements then you will find them showing their lively color. Most exotic pet reptiles and birds are kept inside the cage and enclosures. You should buy the one where they can fit and have space for moving as well. The best rule is the bigger the better. While visiting your local pet store to buy one, you can get some good recommendations about the exotic pet living enclosure.

You will need to get toys for birds and rodents that stimulate their natural instincts. Hideouts are a must for fish, reptiles, and rodents where you are going to keep them. Remember to provide them with an adequate living space so they can live and act better.


One of the most important factors to consider is the health of the exotic pet. In the case of reptiles, you will need to take care of the reptiles diet, living conditions, and regular vet visits to monitor their health. Your goal should be to eliminate any sign of illness. Stay in touch with your vet so they can guide you about proper nutrition and husbandry.

Keep an eye on the weight, eyes, nose, shape, and status of scales, skin, and feathers. Also, keep an eye on the other physical aspects of your exotic pets to make sure they are in healthy condition. Routine examinations at vets may include blood tests, stool checks, radiographs, and other laboratory tests.

Bottom Line

Owning an exotic pet is an exciting experience. At the same time, it can be quite a responsibility as well. You will need to make sure that you have checked the best guides for exotic pet care and learned about exotic pet food and care. The more you know, the better you can take care of them. You can also check our other pet care tips as well for further information.

About the author

Arlene S. Lane

Arlene S. Lane is a veterinary technician and hospital manager with over 12 years of experience. Arlene has been contributed expert content to The Pet's Rise for over 10 years.
Arlene has worked in veterinary medicine since 2017. Arlene's veterinary experience ranges from routine wellness care and preventive medicine to emergency and specialty care, where she has performed duties ranging from specialized nursing to clinical administration.

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